Student information

All school and college students need to make contact with industry and business at some point during their education, either for help in projects, research or just plain basic letter writing experience.

The lack of interest and replies irritated me greatly when I was at school. I said at the time that if ever I ran a company, I would always do my best to help students who write to me asking for help or information.

Now I am, and I will. My contact details are on the side of each page and there is more information here – so please get in touch!

I can’t guarantee that I can help with everything, but I will at least reply.


Work Experience

Sorry, since I spend a lot of my time working from my office at home, as much as I’d like to accept students on work experience, I don’t have the space or facilities to make it worth your while. You would not get a typical office environment if you came to do your work experience here anyway – sorry!