Some data is too sensitive to send over the internet without encryption, so easy to use and widely available encryption is important. Digital Red uses PGP encryption, and the public key is available to download from PGP keyservers, or below.
If you use GnuPG for Windows, just copy the contents of this box to your clipboard, open GPA (‘GNU Privacy Assistant’) on your PC, and press CTRL+V to paste the key onto your keyring.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (MingW32) mQENBFLQceQBCADBhkLD5xpSp/kFaWXq+3pDNxfy3RjDGjz7cVriILNs+lsGFX89 WEIcepreGsb6boCFEnA6fiB8HL+IR/fjQdWXIvOhLPJZABnLRpjDV0OnUOjcZwYn RJDYFydMbgwdVOVURwlB2aQZ3UGqrNfGAsL8hCXg49UE5vCjtG/HKhmv9LkwZCwV Ez7rcc6KCsBsdwKSzEUJlGezhNK+PIQ9kO4K7peNOyHzZgyPYXkhwZIlJeawJ4Gt mmNmX9MhCzIgluRJvc/ZbxIXUlvGNCVBJR9xDGr8spUVVfGdLm/cP0rFzVg01jIf 7FAJwud7OZk98UPw/7Isye4iJ3RvUwanwuD5ABEBAAG0JkRhbmllbCBPJ05laWxs IDxkYW5pZWxAZGlnaXRhbHJlZC5jb20+iQE5BBMBAgAjBQJS0HHkAhsPBwsJCAcD AgEGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQDlqagVRIOs/35Qf+KV4KgQZYCDscvydA ktZ6LCw4Q6z2ZICDnRk7CYMp7SiqCRXZQ+D2uQQwN99tTHTIvaeeG1Fmt+13WO9J NQDw5fZpu/2hJGSj3BHuPaaNcLzG4ysi8AxB53l0e6RxEKVNm4BmT0V3zv0BzxxN y8dWcKjCCxSHPky/T++1bHekHEsx+KzL+Q0NXXTFzipokRk466fE1YDSl45JlqnF +P0pQBZqe3Ycpus26xvgznW3GPVKjVt8A/eRSyVI9hayIge3jInqGEFfBUOjLUSp Z1u/hy/jtdLWhR+ypHpVBleehMaRwb1gX+b3vSsg3zLgDng51cxvCydGa5HwCOOY 3001IA== =FPEe -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
How to start using PGP
If you don’t already have a copy of PGP, you can download GnuPG for Windows from free of charge. You’ll need to create a private key of your own (which you should never give to anyone: only ever share your public key!), but full instructions are provided.
I recommend that you download the “Gpg4win Light” version – it has everything you need and just leaves out the command line parts that you’d likely never need.
Test your PGP installation
If you’d like to check to see if you’ve got PGP set up correctly, why not send me an encrypted message to me once you’ve got yourself set up to test everything out?